
Put ethical values and principles into practice across your AI project lifecycle.

Cartoon representing the various stages of a project life-cycle

A Programme for the Public Sector

The AI Ethics and Governance in Practice Programme is composed of eight modules that provide end-to-end guidance to help AI project teams put ethical values and practical principles into practice across the AI project lifecycle.

Central to this guidance is the Process-Based Governance (PBG) Framework, a multi-tiered governance model designed to assist AI project teams in ensuring that the AI technologies they build, procure, or use are ethical, safe, and responsible.

The programme curriculum is composed of a series of eight modules, each covering a key component of our bespoke framework, including:

  • sustainability;
  • technical safety;
  • accountability;
  • fairness;
  • explainability; and
  • data stewardship.

The module series extensively covers the key concepts of the framework by examining its application in different sectors. Case studies are then used to promote ethical reflection and animate the key concepts.


Participate in dynamic group activities to increase understanding of the key concepts – by using the framework tools first-hand.


Use tools that facilitate implementation of our framework in your organisation’s own AI projects.